
Recrutement de 01 Area Coordinator

Localité : Soudan / Juba
Domaine : Gestion d'entreprise
Niveau : BAC + 5
Entreprise recruteur : Concern Worldwide

Recrutement de 01 Area Coordinator
Niveau d'études: Bac + 5 ou plus
Expérience: 5 ans
Expire le: 29-06-2022

Concern Worldwide
Bentiu, South Sudan
Humanitaire (ONG, Associations, ...), Projet/programme de développement
Area Coordinator (1531)

Area Coordinator Northern Unity - South Sudan

About the role: This is a 12 month, new role with unaccompanied terms based in Bentiu, South Sudan with frequent travel to field sites and with a salary of Grade 4 (€44,133 - €49,038)

You will report to the Programme Director and will line manage four Programme Managers (Nutrition, WASH, ERNE Coordinator and Shelter/NFI) and one Base Manager.

We would like you to start on ASAP.

Your purpose :

The principle objective of the Bentiu-based Area Coordinator position is to be responsible for the overall management and implementation of Concern’s programmes in Northern Unity area. This post is suitable for candidates with significant experience overseeing complex integrated programmes in a humanitarian context. The successful candidate will be responsible for overseeing a team of nearly 200 people working across the various of WASH, Health, Nutrition, Shelter and Food Security and Livelihoods.

Key activities include: security monitoring and protocol implementation, coordination of the programmes and sectors, including strategy, budget and implementation oversight, and to ensure the effective and efficient management of programme staff and programme logistics, in collaboration with the Bentiu-based support team. The Area Coordinator is responsible for state-level representation, oversees the management of the core pipeline, and manages directly or indirectly all staff based in Bentiu and beyond Bentiu program locations. S/He liaises regularly and directly with the Programme Director (PD) to discuss strategy of current programmes, expansion opportunities based on context analysis to ensure Concern is identified as a forefront emergency response partner.

You will be responsible for :

Programme Development and Coordination

Lead on situation analysis and programme proposal development for the Northern Unity programmes.
Ensure quality implementation of Concern’s integrated emergency response and recovery programme including nutrition, WASH, Health, shelter and NFI, along with any new thematic areas in Northern Unity, according to international standards, Concern policies and best practices.
Provide oversight and support to programmes managers to ensure prepositioning of stock, development of procurement plans, expenditure tracking and donor reporting is done accurately and in a timely manner.
Monitor programme expenditure and budgets, and work with programme managers, the base manager and the PD to ensure resources are optimally utilized and spending is in line with Concern financial procedures and donor requirements.
Support cross-sectoral periodic programme reviews in order to assess programme progress, capture lessons learnt and adapt programme strategies as necessary in accordance with Concern’s results based management principles. Ensure mainstreaming of cross cutting issues/approaches throughout the programme cycle including: Accountability to Affected Population, Gender, Protection, HIV and Aids, Rights Based Approach, Accountability and do no harm philosophy.
Ensure the local authorities and communities are meaningfully engaged in programme development in line with the Common Humanitarian Standards initiative and best practices.
Contribute to the overall management and strategic planning of the country programme.
Together with relevant programme and support staff ensure that Northern Unity programme activities, as well as the rapid response mechanism are within the framework of the Concern South Sudan Country Annual Plan and Concern Country Strategic Plan.
Work with the PD to further build and maintain Concern’s emergency preparedness capacity including contingency planning and PEER.
Support and coordinate external or internal visits in area of responsibility, including the regional and HQ based staff and external visitors such as consultants, donors and media, as required.
Work with the Base Manager to ensure that the programme, finance, HR and logistics needs are planned and met.


As Security Focal Point for Northern Unity, ensure implementation of the Concern Worldwide Security Management Plan and the Standard Operating Procedures and Contingency Plans, with close support from the Systems Director and the Logistics officer in charge of safety and security based in Juba.
Ensure that Security Protocols are adhered to by all staff.
Monitor and report on the security status in the programme area to the CD, Systems Director, Logistics Officer in charge of Safety and Security and PD.
Organise and chair weekly and ad hoc security meetings at State level and share minutes with the Security Focal Group, CD, Safety and Security Coordinator and PD
Regularly update the Security Communication Tree and share it with NGOs members and UNOCHA.
Ensure that Concern Security staff list is updated weekly and shared with UNOCHA.
Ensure that security information in Northern Unity is appropriately shared with Security Group Members and what is necessary for the entire staff team is shared with staff.
Participate in the review of SMP.

Reporting and Donor Compliance

Support the timely internal monthly and donor reports as per the South Sudan funding tracker shared by the Programme Quality Unit.
Work with the PD and Programme Quality Unit to ensure the timely and high quality development of programme proposal and concept notes for donors and for other interested parties, including government departments.
Ensure quality annual reports, including reporting on PEER and CHS.

Staff development

Supervise managers and lead the entire staff team working closely with the PD in providing strategic leadership and management.
Lead, manage and motivate the team, ensuring that they have clear objectives, work-plans and receive meaningful and regular feedback on their performance.
Set performance objectives for the supervised staff, and ensure those supervised by your direct reports have performance objectives, routinely monitor their performance and evaluate them at the end of the performance period.
Strengthen and build up the programmatic, managerial and operational skills of the staff through on-job mentoring and coaching and feedback mechanisms.
Recommend promotions using Concern’s talent spotting and disciplinary actions for Managers who are not performing through consultation with the PD.
Address and mitigate staff complains and conflicts in coordination with the HR Officer, PD and under the guidance of the Systems Director.
Support PMs and HR department with timely recruitment to fill vacant positions.
Lead induction of new staff members to ensure they receive adequate level of briefing and information to complete their tasks and responsibilities.
Make recommendations on core staffing needs and training/capacity building needs for programmes and support.
Ensure that Concern’s policies - such as the Code of Conduct, Fraud and Whistle Blowing Policy as well as the minimum standards of humanitarian relief (ICRC Code of Conduct, Sphere, CHS) - are adhered to by all staff.


Represent Concern to donors, clusters and relevant coordination fora and meetings at state level, as well as at national level as required, and with government departments, donors, communities.
Develop and maintain effective working relationships with all stakeholders at state and county levels - including community leaders, NGOs, UN agencies, community-based organisations to enhance cooperation and coordination.
Ensure strong and cordial relations are built with local authorities and technical ministries for all sectors of intervention using specific structures existing in Bentiu PoC and for Beyond Bentiu Response.
Strengthen links with individuals or groups with influence and initiate dialogue with key influencers. Present influencers with appropriate information; facilitate contact between service providers or people in need and the influencers.
Take a lead role in further developing a coordinated approach towards effective coordination of all partners in the areas of operation for a coherent approach in all emergency and outreach interventions.


In line with Concern’s commitments under the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS):

actively promote meaningful community participation and consultation at all stages of the project cycle (planning, implementation, M&E);
work with relevant colleagues to ensure that the Complaints and Response Mechanism (CRM) is functional and accessible, that feedback and complaints are welcomed and addressed;
work with relevant colleagues to ensure that information about CRM, safeguarding and expected staff behaviour is disseminated among programme participants and communities.


Work in close collaboration with other members of the Concern team, sharing information and designing and implementing programme activities.
Adhere fully to the commitments and rules of Concern’s Programme Participant Protection Policy and Code of Conduct (P4 and CofC and Safeguarding), including the respect of confidentiality.
Report to the appropriate manager, all violations of the P4 or CofC and Safeguarding policy, this is a mandatory duty of all staff.
Other duties as agreed with the PD and the CD.

Your skills and experience will include :

Education & Qualifications Required :

Essential :

At least five years’ experience of managing and coordinating field based operations preferably integrated emergency response programmes in remote and fragile locations.
Experience and ability to lead a large multi-sectoral programme team of international and national staff working in a remote location.
Familiarity and knowledge of finance, logistics and administration.
Experience of monitoring and reporting of budgets across a programme and ensuring effective and accountable use of funds.
Computer literate and sound knowledge of Word and Excel.
Experience of working in challenging, insecure areas and willingness to travel to remote environments.

Desirable :

Masters in development studies or sociology or any other development related study
Experience in promoting community participation in programme design, implementation and evaluation
Experience of institutional strengthening of government and local NGOs
Experience of conducting emergency assessments and rapid response mechanisms

We would also like :

Cross cultural awareness and sensitivity.
Empathy with Concern’s goals and a commitment to capacity building, protection and participation.
Good communication and interpersonal skills
Ability in team building and working in a participatory/integrated manner.
A team leaders with significant experience in team building
Ability to work on own initiative and adaptable to changing needs and situations  Flexible, patient and adaptable to a changing environment.
Ability to work under pressure with numerous deadlines, etc.
Knowledge of computer applications i.e. Microsoft word, Excel, communications systems.

CV’s should be no more than 4 pages in length.

Due to the urgency of this position, applications will be short listed on a regular basis and we may offer posts before the closing date.

Concern Worldwide is an Irish-based non-governmental, international, humanitarian organisation dedicated to the reduction of suffering and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty in the world’s poorest countries.

2022 TC's Band 4 Unaccompanied.pdf (31.12 KB)
JD - AreaCoordinator Bentiu 2022.pdf (48.05 KB)
Further Links
Our work in South Sudan

Salary : €44,133 - €49,038
Based in Country : South Sudan
Job Title : Area Coordinator
Contract Type : Unaccompanied Fixed Term International Contract
Benefits : Please see T&Cs attached
Closing Date : 29 June 2022

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