Localité : Kenya / Nairobi Domaine : Chimie Niveau : Non precise Entreprise recruteur : Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU)
Recrutement de 01 GEF Financing Agrochemical Reduction and Management (FARM) Consultant
Niveau d'études: Non précisé
Expérience: 5 ans
Expire le: 18-08-2022
ONU Carrière
Nairobi, Kenya
vacance de poste
Intitulé publication : GEF Financing Agrochemical Reduction and Management (FARM) Consultant
Département / Bureau : Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement
Lieu d'affectation : NAIROBI
Période de candidature : - 18 août 2022
No de l’appel á candidature : 22-United Nations Environment Programme-187960-Consultant
Staffing Exercise N/A
Valeurs fondamentales de l'ONU : intégrité, professionnalisme, respect de la diversité
Result of Service
The ultimate results of services provided by the consultant will be:
1. Drafting of CEO endorsement sections for:
¿ GEF FARM Global Child Project (10903)
¿ GEF FARM FAO Child Project (10902)
2. Implementation:-
¿ Coordination of FARM partners.
¿ Internalization of GEF FARM global and FAO projects and connecting to UNEP internal initiatives and departments on food systems
and other relevant issues .
Work Location
Expected duration
3 months
Duties and Responsibilities
a). Organizational setting
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment.
The overall objective of the UNEP’s Economy Division is to encourage decision makers in government, local authorities and industry to develop and adopt policies, strategies and practices and technologies that promote sustainable patterns of consumption and production, make efficient use of natural resources, ensure safe management of chemicals and contribute to making trade and environment policies mutually supportive. It promotes the development, use and transfer of policies, technologies, economic instruments, managerial practices and other tools that assist in environmentally sound decision making and the building of corresponding activities.
The GEF Chemicals and Waste Unit of the Chemicals and Health Branch is responsible for the development and management of all GEF projects implemented by UNEP in the Chemicals and Wastes focal area. To date, the team has a portfolio of 100 projects represented over $200 mil of GEF investment supporting countries in their implementation of the Stockholm Convention, the Minamata Convention and SAICM.
As part of its duties, the Chemicals GEF team is in charge of supervising a portfolio of ongoing projects, develop new projects to be submitted to the GEF and also assist countries to close finished projects. The Chemicals team also provides coaching and advice to UNEP colleagues in the branch and in other divisions.
The GEF team has been successful in developing a series of projects under a Programme (Financing Agrochemical Reduction and Management, FARM) which now require the completion of the package for GEF CEO endorsement. Supervision of the development of these proposals has been assigned across the GEF team but the volume of work to be undertaken requires additional inputs from a specialist consultant with experience in drafting of donor funded proposals. The development of the submissions is time sensitive and the work load requires the support to be available as early as possible.
The child projects being implemented by UNEP are in their Project Preparation Grant phase, with the respective Executing Agencies being responsible for developing the projects in coordination with their partners. The Lead Consultant will be responsible for writing up the project document packages to ensure consistency and high-quality submissions, in close coordination with the Executing Agencies to obtain inputs and technical information.
The consultant will support the operations of the Chemicals GEF team by:
1. Coordinating with executing agencies staff and consultant to write and prepare the CEO Endorsement Request package for the following Full Sized Projects:
i) GEF FARM Regional Child Project (GEF ID 10903), Executing Agency Green Growth Knowledge Platform
ii) GEF FARM FAO Child Project (GEF ID 10902), Executing Agency FAO.
2. Coordination of the other GEF Implementing Agencies with child projects under the same FARM Programme (UNIDO, UNDP, Asian Development Bank), including regular coordination calls to ensure consistency of all child projects with the overarching Program Framework Document and cross cutting aspects such as knowledge management, programme-level monitoring & evaluation, gender, and private sector.
3. Internalization of GEF FARM global project and assisting in other project development and supervision activities as required based on the review of project needs by the Chemicals and Waste Portfolio Manager;
b)Specific tasks and responsibilities
The tasks and responsibilities of the consultant will be as follows:
1.Receive reports, data and draft CEO sections from Executing Agencies and their partners (international and national consultants, government focal points, etc), and edit and compile these into a draft CEO project documents package (one for the FAO and one for the Global Child Project).
2.Facilitate discussion between Executing Agencies and UNEP Task Manager and decide on key project design issues not limited to budgeting, implementation arrangements, co-finance.
3.Submit draft CEO Endorsement Request sections and annexes (see list in the Schedule of Payments below) to the UNEP Task manager and address review comments to finalize sections.
4.Compile relevant projects and partners identified by Executing Agencies, and aid UNEP Task Manager to contact key partners in countries.
5.Take part in regular coordination calls with EA project coordinators & Task Manager to ensure timely delivery of the two FARM Child projects’ outputs, including coordinating with the EAs to facilitate the inception and other workshops for the project as needed.
6.Co-coordinating with other FARM Implementing Agencies (UNDP, UNIDO and ADB) to ensure alignment of their project development processes and draft child project documents with Programme Framework Document approach (e.g. Theory of Change) and Programme-wide KM, gender, M&E, private sector and stakeholder engagement approaches (which will be developed by the Global child project).
c) Reporting lines
Under the overall supervision of the Head GEF Chemicals and Waste Unit, the consultant shall report directly to the FARM Task Manager. Final deliverables shall also be approved by the Senior Task Manager and OiC Head GEF Chemicals and Waste Unit.
The supervisor will be Task Manager.
Qualifications/special skills
Academic Qualifications: An advanced university degree in environmental or physical sciences, waste management, economics, international relations, or other relevant scientific or social sciences area.
Experience: A minimum of 5 years of evaluation experience of projects in developing countries is required and familiarity with the GEF funding mechanism and experience of evaluating or working with at least 1 GEF project and Understanding of Minamata Convention and their requirements on mercury usage reduction for the signatory parties is an advantage.
Language: Fluency in written and oral English with strong writing and editing skills is required.
Aucun frais de dossier
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