
Recrutement de 01 Gender Researcher expert (national consultant)

Localité : Zambie / Lusaka
Domaine : Droit
Niveau : BAC
Entreprise recruteur : Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU)

Recrutement de 01 Gender Researcher expert (national consultant)
Niveau d'études: Bac
Expérience: 5 ans
Expire le: 19-01-2023

ONU Carrière
Lusaka, Zambia
vacance de poste

Intitulé publication: Gender Researcher expert (national consultant)
Département / Bureau: Système des coordonnateurs résidents
Lieu d'affectation: LUSAKA
Période de candidature: - 19 janvier 2023
No de l’appel á candidature: 23-Resident Coordinator System-198818-Consultant
Staffing Exercise N/A

Valeurs fondamentales de l'ONU: intégrité, professionnalisme, respect de la diversité

Result of Service
The overall objective of this consultancy is to provide support to the “The Gender Equality and Women’s Participation” (GEWP) Initiative Research and Data component (Outcome 2).

Work Location

Expected duration
4 months

Duties and Responsibilities
The UN Resident Coordinator’s Office (UN RCO) in Zambia provides inter-agency coordination support to the UN Country Team and its various sub-groups. The support includes leadership and coordination in strategic planning, programme and operations management, policy guidance, as well as knowledge management, advocacy and communications, all seeking to enhance UN coherence and improve overall programme impact to better achieve results.
The United Nations Country Team (UNCT) in Zambia, under the leadership of the Resident Coordinator, is in a crucial moment of starting its new United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2023-2027, which will guide the partnership between the Government of the Republic of Zambia and the United Nations System in Zambia for the next 05 years, starting in January 2023. The UNSDCF 2023-2027 is fully aligned with the Zambia’s 8th National Development Plan (8NDP) and the Agenda 2030 to support the country achieving the SDGs. Gender equality, equity and inclusion is a priority area of focus in the overall development agenda of the Government. Consistent with Vision 2030 of 2006, the 8NDP has placed gender inclusion and participation at the core of all national interventions collectively contributing to consolidating democracy, peace and sustainable development over the next five years (2022-2026). At the institutional and policy level, the new Gender Division, which is dedicated to strengthening capacities and harmonizing multi-sectoral approach to addressing gender issues in the country, is located in the Office of the President, a demonstration of commitment at the highest level in this area.
The Gender Division is concurrently tapping into the role of the UN’s convening power through the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office and relevant Agencies for enhanced coordination on gender inclusion and participation initiatives in the country.
With financial support of the Irish Embassy, the UN Gender Theme Group with overall guidance from the UN Resident Coordinator Office will be implementing a joint project entitled “The Gender Equality and Women’s Participation” Initiative. The project is centered on the need to enhance existing strategies for coordination of key actors in Government, the UN, Development Partners and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and programmes towards a more integrated and strategic approach to enhance gender inclusion and participation in all sectors informed by empirical data and emerging megatrends at country level. This joint project will focus on support to the Government Gender Division to enhance existing coordination efforts of all relevant ministries, departments and key stakeholders working on addressing gender inequalities in the country; and support UN provision of technical advisory expertise to collaboratively identify gaps in this sector.
The lack of gender disaggregated data and comprehensive research has been identified as a critical gap for informed decision-making. This problem is not restricted to the Gender sector, but remains critical in this area, where so many, different factors (cultural, socioeconomic, geographic, institutional, legal, etc.) influence the interventions outcomes. There is need for in-depth understanding of the underlying factors related to persistent gender inequality in the country, consequently this initiative intends to produce an analytical report of a comprehensive assessment of the gaps, bottlenecks, and challenges in the gender interventions in Zambia by conducting secondary data analysis.
Therefore, in the framework of the mentioned joint project, the United Nations will support the Government of the Republic of Zambia to conduct an evidence-based comprehensive assessment of the gaps, bottlenecks and barriers of impactful, gender transformative interventions in Zambia.

A national consultant with expertise in gender-related research and analysis will facilitate the process of development of the comprehensive assessment of the gaps, bottlenecks, and challenges in the gender interventions in Zambia by conducting data analysis and literature review.
The expert consultant will also contribute to gender mainstreaming and coordination in various national data collection systems, as well as to maximize its use. The 2022 Census data should be used and analyzed, in order to generate updated gender disaggregated data at national level.
Furthermore, the consultant should complement the Government data by building on the ongoing interventions by several UN agencies to ensure a comprehensive overview of the bottlenecks. This includes building on the assessment on gender norms that contribute to child marriage and adolescent pregnancy in Zambia, led by UNICEF, in collaboration with UNFPA and key governmental and non-governmental partners.
Thirdly, the consultant should build on UNHCR’s interventions on sex- and age- disaggregated data collection and participatory assessment that was aimed at better understanding of the situation of persons of concern in their meaningful participation in decisions that affect their lives, families, and communities. Leveraging on this, the consultant should work to integrate in-depth understanding of factors, including structural causes, of gender-based violence and gender inequalities of refugees, asylum seekers and other persons of concern.

The consultant will be responsible of the following:
• Develop an inception concept note for the Gap’s Assessment, including detailed workplan and methodology.
• Develop and adapting already existing tools for data collection and data analysis.
• Conduct literature review as well as a review and analysis of relevant international frameworks such as CEDAW, SADC Protocol on Gender and Development, the Maputo Protocol and others, and national policies and legislative frameworks such as the draft National Gender Policy, draft Youth Policy, National Child Policy, National Land Policy, National Agriculture Policy, UN Zambia Gender Strategy, Anti-Gender Based Violence Act No. 1 of 2011, Gender Equity and Equality Act No. 22 of 2015, Children’s Act no. 12 of 22 and other and others.
• Establish a baseline on current/ongoing work on the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.
• Review relevant projects and programmes on gender equality, GBV and ending child marriage, among others.
• Collect data and assess gender parity in government ministries, quasi-government institutions, private sector, boards, traditional leaders’, NGOs, leadership structures.
• Conduct robust in-depth consultations with relevant stakeholders in government, quasi-government, private sector NGOs (both women’s rights movement and other NGOs), men’s networks and others, to collect information on the perception of gender mainstreaming with relevant stakeholders.
• Examine how best to deal with gender, women and girls’ empowerment, gender-based violence and general protection issues in humanitarian contexts, including during pandemics, drought, floods or any other crises.
• Deliver a comprehensive assessment of the gaps, bottlenecks and barriers of impactful, gender transformative interventions in Zambia.
• Analyze 2022 Census data, and other national data sources as relevant, in order to generate updated gender disaggregated data at national level.
• Produce a Policy brief, including national data & other sources analysis, with recommendations on how to address identified gaps; and how to ensure comprehensive gender mainstreaming in all relevant sectors (law enforcement, judiciary, health, education, social welfare, etc).
• Support the UN and the Government, in the dissemination of the assessment results and the Policy brief, in order to maximize its use.
• Use the Gender Norms study (led by UNICEF) findings and support the dissemination of the key findings/results.
• Support the participatory assessment to be led by UNHCR in a refugee setup.

The consultant will report to the RCO Team Leader and the Chairperson of the UN Zambia Gender Team Group.

Qualifications/special skills
• A master's degree in Gender, Development Studies, Human Rights Law, Public Health, Sociology or any other relevant social science. A bachelor's degree in combination with 2 additional years of qualifying professional experience may be accepted in lieu of the master's degree.
• PhD will be an added advantage.
• At least Five (5) years of professional experience with gender-related research and/or programming in the public or private sector, including international development assistance, which involved research/ analysis tasks is required.
• Experience in conducting gender equality studies or surveys; familiarity with key tools and methodologies including mapping exercises, focus groups, quantitative & qualitative data analysis, etc. is required.
• Previous experience in the field of gender equality and/or GBV, working with the Government ministries and departments at national sub-national levels is required.
• Previous experience in strategy or policy formulation and/or legislative drafting is an asset.

• Fluency in written and spoken English is required.
• Knowledge of local language(s) is an asset.

Additional Information
This consultancy is only open to nationals or residents of Zambia.

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