
Recrutement de 01 Head of Mission H/F

Localité : Soudan / Khartoum
Domaine : Sociologie
Niveau : Non precise
Entreprise recruteur : ALIMA

Recrutement de 01 Head of Mission H/F

Niveau d'études: Non précisé
Expérience: Non précisé
Expire le: 12-09-2023

South Khartoum, Sudan
Head of Mission - Sudan - M/F


ALIMA conducted two exploratory missions in Khartoum in May 2021 and one in South

Kordofan in August 2021 which led to the opening of two projects and a subsequent exploratory mission in North Darfur in October 2022:
- In August 2021, ALIMA launched a project supporting the Omdurman Isolation Center in the capital Khartoum in collaboration with the Sudanese Federal Ministry of Health. ALIMA teams facilitated the management of COVID-19 cases in the center through human resources support and training, as well as providing medical supplies (medicines and equipment). In February 2022, ALIMA worked to increase access to medical oxygen by installing a PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) Oxygen Plant at the Al Shaab Hospital, a 350-bed specialist referral hospital for cardiac and respiratory diseases in Khartoum which also is designated as a referral COVID-19 Treatment Center for severe cases. The new PSA Oxygen Plant provides general wards and the operating theater with direct access to oxygen. MoH staff have been trained in Oxygen Therapy for optimal case management and in preventive and curative maintenance of key biomedical equipment. The PSA Plant was handed over to the hospital in February 2023.

- In November 2021 ALIMA launched activities to support comprehensive emergency obstetrics and newborn care in the Maternity Department of the Kadugli Teaching Hospital in South Kordofan. In 2022, ALIMA increased its coverage of health and nutrition needs in the region with additional support for primary healthcare services at two public health centers and three mobile clinics in the Kadugli and Reif Arshargi localities. Subsequently, ALIMA further increased its activities supporting inpatient treatment in the Maternity and Paediatric wards. In January 2023, ALIMA implemented a rapid response to the influx of over 6,500 people newly displaced by conflict in Al Lagawa (West Kordofan) gathered at the Kadugli Bus Station Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) Camp.

- In 2023, ALIMA will continue its activities in South Kordofan with additional nutrition activities for the treatment of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) and open a new project in North Darfur to support primary healthcare centers in two IDP Camps and a nutrition

-In October 2022, ALIMA conducted an assessment in El Fasher, North Darfur. ECHO validated a proposal to support 2 IDP camps and the Stabilization Centre at the Pediatric Hospital. However, the day we were to begin the project, the current war broke out in Sudan. The project was temporarily put on hold.

ALIMA is currently looking for a Head of Mission to work to reestablish the coordination team that was evacuated at the start of the war in April. The new Head of Mission will start his/her contract remotely at ALIMA HQ in Dakar while we ensure all conditions are met in terms of security and safety for international staff to organise a new coordination base in Port Sudan, if visas are granted. As Khartoum remains inaccessible, the coordination will be based temporarily in Dakar/Port Sudan. The team will open the new project in North Darfur remotely and follow the continuing activities in Kadugli. The Head of Mission will very much be focussed on representation within the various meetings to follow the overall context in Sudan to help inform decision making for the mission.


Level 3: As part of his/her duties, the incumbent will visit programs and come into contact with children and/or vulnerable adults. Therefore, a criminal record check or a certificate of good character will be required. In situations where a criminal record or character reference is not available, a statement of good character will be required.


Mission Location: South Khartoum,

LINE MANAGER: Desk Programs Manager based in Dakar

· He/she supervises all the project coordinators and the coordinators of the support departments

· He/she works closely with the authorities and NGO partners.

· He/she creates links with other national and international NGOs, United Nations agencies and state and non-state organisation

You are responsible for setting up and ensuring the safety of the activities on your assignment

You ensure that the teams have the means to achieve their objectives and support them in developing their skills
Analysis and strategic planning

Representation and Partnership

Search for funding and donor relations

Implementation, monitoring, evaluation of activities

Supervision and management of support departments

Human Resources Management


Development of computer tools

Implementation of prevention measures against abuse of power, gender-based and sexual violence


Experiences / Training of the candidate
You have previous experience in an equivalent position in an international NGO, in deteriorated security contexts and emergency contexts.

You have a medical or paramedical qualification or experience in managing medical projects.

You will have good negotiating and diplomatic skills. You will be able to organise, adapt and lead a team, and have good interpersonal skills.

You have a good command of oral and written English, Arabic is an asset

Duration and type of contract: contract under french law, 3 months, renewable

Start date: September 25th, 2023

Salary: According to the ALIMA salary scale + recognition of experience + Perdiem

ALIMA pays for:
Travel expenses between the expatriate's country of origin and the place of assignment

Accommodation costs

Medical cover from the first day of the contract to one month after the date of departure from the country of assignment for the employee and his/her dependants

Evacuation for the employee and his/her dependants

To apply, please send your CV and your Motivation Letter online

Applications are processed in the order of arrival and we reserve the right to close the offer before the term initially indicated if a good application is successful. Only full applications will be taken into account. Only accepted applications will be contacted.

Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

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