Localité : République démocratique du Congo / Baraka Domaine : Gestion d'entreprise Niveau : Non precise Entreprise recruteur : UNOPS
Recrutement de 01 Project Manager
Niveau d'études: Non précisé
Expérience: Non précisé
Expire le: 20-01-2023
Kinshasa, RD Congo
Project Manager
Job categories:Project Management
Vacancy code:VA/2022/B5301/25129
Department/office:AFR, CDMCO, DR Congo
Duty station:KINSHASA, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Contract type:International ICA
Contract level:IICA-2
Duration:6 mois
Deadline date: 20-Jan-2023
Applications to vacancies must be received before midnight Copenhagen time (CET) on the closing date of the announcement.
Please note that UNOPS will at no stage of the recruitment process request candidates to make payments of any kind.
Background Information - Job-specific
During the last weeks of July 2022, violent demonstrations against MONUSCO and the United Nations were organized in North-Kivu and South-Kivu provinces, leading to the death and injury of several demonstrators, MONUSCO peacekeepers as well as the looting and destruction of MONUSCO property.
In Butembo, demonstrations have developed into a semi-insurrectional movement with elements of Mayi-Mayi groups taking control and carrying out several attacks against civilians, the prison, defense and security forces. These demonstrations were supported by dissemination of false information and hate messages against MONUSCO and several UN agencies operating in the DRC.
Unprecedented digital attacks targeted the mission, demonstrating a sophisticated, well-planned and well-orchestrated digital campaign from various locations in Eastern DRC, Mali, Europe and North America. The degree of this aggression surprised the Mission and demonstrated that the efforts of the Mission's new digital multimedia unit were not sufficient to anticipate and counter attacks of this magnitude.It is therefore urgent to strengthen the Mission's digital capabilities, both in terms of human and technical resources, so that it is able to monitor professionally and to both anticipate and react to such attacks.
UNOPS has the required expertise to provide Support and Transactional Services to MONUSCO; this in conjunction with UNOPS mandate for which it has adequate resources within the allocated budget to carry out such projects, aimed at attaining the objectives sought by MONUSCO.
The Project Manager will report directly to the Head of Programme on programmatic matters.
Functional Responsibilities
Project Delivery and Performance Develop, complete and update im...