

Localité : Burkina Faso / Ouagadougou
Domaine : Marketing / commercial
Niveau : BAC + 3
Entreprise recruteur : Save The Children International

TITLE: Regional Project Manager SIDA CSO – Civil Society Strenghtening Programme

TEAM/PROGRAMME: WCA Regional Operations team

LOCATION: Any of the following three program implementation countries where SCI has direct presence: Burkina, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali

GRADE: National or International

CONTRACT LENGTH: 2 years, renewable

CHILD SAFEGUARDING: Level 3: the post holder will have contact with children and/or young people either frequently (e.g. once a week or more) or intensively (e.g. four days in one month or more or overnight) because they work with country programs; or are visiting country programs; or because they are responsible for implementing the police checking/vetting process staff.


Save the Children works with a broad range of partners as per our Theory of Change and our partnership principles. The SIDA CSO program focuses on partnerships with local Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in selected countries and at regional level. Civic space for civil society, including child rights organisations, is increasingly being challenged. Save the Children believes that a strong civil society is crucial to promote, defend and demand accountability for children’s rights. Therefore, Save the Children is recruiting an experienced Regional Project Manager who will be responsible for leading a regional and multi-country program (2022-2026) funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) to be implemented in Mali, Burkina Faso, Senegal, the Gambia, Côte d’Ivoire and at West Africa regional level.

This is a strategic partnership with Sida in West Africa that will seek to build partnerships with CSOs and strengthen local civil society capacities in defending Child Protection and promoting Child Rights Governance through a regional and multi-country, integrated approach. The programme will also facilitate civic space to promote child rights.

The Regional Project Manager will be responsible for delivering, coordinating and overseeing the quality of implementation of the programme, thereof in a harmonized and cross-country/peer-to-peer learning approach across all implementation locations and partners. S/he will provide overall strategic leadership and managerial oversight of the operational, programmatic, financial, technical, MEAL and administrative aspects.

S/he will be accountable for the overall implementation of the programme, in close collaboration with project teams in the Country Offices (COs) concerned. S/he will be accountable for the overall timely and quality implementation of activities, compliance with donor rules and regulations and effective stakeholder relationship management. S/he will hold the Project Managers at country level accountable for the delivery of country-specific activities, in close collaboration with the relevant Director of Program Operations (DPO) in each of the countries where the program is implemented. S/he will be also be responsible for developing and maintaining strong working relationships with all CSO partners at regional level (country teams being accountable for working relationships with local partners at country level), the Save the Children Member and donor, acting as the primary liaison and program representative. In constant consultation with country teams, particularly the DPO and Country Director, s/he will contribute to developing and maintaining the same strong working relationships with Governments and partners at regional level, and supporting countries to do the same at country-level, acting as the overall program representative, as well as supporting the country programme representative

S/he will also be responsible for the overall management of areas related to finance, budgetary management and oversight, and partner management, as well as other operational and administrative duties required by the programme, ensuring that they are executed efficiently and effectively by the regional team and the teams in the field. The nature of the programme will include a paramount component of capacity strengthening of local partners, for which it will be necessary to steer and put in place a harmonized strategic design and approach at regional and country levels, in accordance with the Organisational Capacity Assesment and Organisational Capicity Development plan, completed by the partners at the onset of the project. Minimum 70% of the project budget is spent by the partners.


Reports to: Head of Regional Programme Management Unit

Staff directly reporting to this post: None (at this moment)

Matrix Reporting: Country Project Managers, regional Finance Coordinator, regional Technical Advisors supporting the program

Key Contacts: WCA Regional Civil Society Partnership Advisor, Country DPOs, Country PDQ Directors, Save the Children Sweden (contract holder) Portfolio Manager for WCA, in-country technical and support teams. The overall program budget is SEK 167,700,000 (some US$ 16 mln).



Design and put in place the relevant project governance bodies to reflect the nature of the programme focused on local partners’ delivery (70% of total budget) as well as its country split
Overall accountability for the day-to-day management, coordination and oversight of the program implementation and its successful delivery
Ensure strategic directions and recommendations provided by the Steering Committee are incorporated into management of the program and program delivery
In collaboration with the WCA Civil Society Partnership Advisor, ensure that the program is delivered according to the highest quality standards
Provide guidance, strong leadership and ensure rigorous decision-making processes
Ensure that the program is appropriately staffed, including the appropriate combination of expertise across technical and operational areas, building capacity where needed
Inspire, lead and motivate the program team to deliver program objectives, including technical advisors and consultants, managers, finance and admin staff working on the program
Ensure constant support is provided to the program staff of SC COs and partners
Ensure support functions staff is part of and fully participates in the capacity strengthening strategies to be developed and put in place with all partners, both at regional and country levels
Program delivery, management and quality assurance

Ensure the development of all project management documents such as phased budget, detailed implementation plans, procurement plans, monitoring plans, grants filing, staff recruitment plans, etc. in line with project documents and technical guidance from relevant technical staff
Ensure program delivery happens in strict adherence to security policy and procedures
Develop external partnerships and in particular steer the identification of suitable implementers/suppliers and ensure adherence to SC partnership procedures.
In collaboration with the WCA Civil Society Partnership Advisor, input into the relevant partner strengthening and periodic monitoring mechanisms to ensure adherence to capacity strengthening strategies adopted with each of them at onset of the project
Steer and put in place the relevant project implementation and delivery tools and management controls with each partner to ensure project delivery as per plan, budget and donor compliance regulations
Ensure the provision of high quality technical assistance by technical advisers at regional, national and local level to the program staff
Produce high quality narrative reports and provide budget narratives within agreed reporting schedules
Ensure programming interventions are implemented and adjusted based on regular conflict analyses
Ensure programming interventions are designed based on an analysis of gender relations and that the program seeks to support the different needs and opportunities of women, men, boys and girls
Conduct regular field visits, including discussions with beneficiaries
Ensure Save the Children’s Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy is understood by staff within the programme as well as partners and suppliers including stakeholders, and that it is integrated into all aspects of the team’s work
Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning

Oversee the process of learning, evaluation, capturing and disseminating lessons from the program for continuous improvement of program performance and overall outcome
Ensure that an effective monitoring and learning framework system is in place for achieving agreed program targets
Ensure monitoring and evaluation tools are systematically implemented and used by the teams, in collaboration with the technical staff and Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) staff
Oversee the program’s dissemination of results and ensure that data collection and analysis informs advocacy
Ensure documentation of programme learning, and incorporate analysis and lessons learned into new strategies/activities, communication and advocacy work
Oversee the capacity building exchange framework and annual learning events
Support spot checks and audit processes throughout the program lifecycle while ensuring the implementation of recommendations
Finance, reporting and donor compliance.

Take full responsibility for the delegated budget holding function on the programmatic aspects of the program and participate actively in finance and program review meetings and contribute to financial decision making at regional and country levels
Ensure that a sound financial management system and controls are in place, as well as that value for money can be effectively demonstrated to the donor
Ensure that quality narrative and financial reports and deliverables are developed and submitted on time, from all partners to Save the Children International, and from Save the Children International to Save the Children Sweden (contract holder) as per the agreed reporting schedules
Steer and put in place sound reporting mechanisms and oversight, reflecting the nature of the programme and the multiple stakeholders (Country and Regional Partners / Country and Regional Field teams in Save the Children International / Country and Regional Coordination teams in Save the Children International) with the capacity to project a periodic regional consolidated overview of the programme quality and delivery
Ensure the development and implementation of Standard Operating Procedures for the project in relation to finance, reporting and donor compliance
Ensure that a consolidated version of plans and budgets and deliverables are submitted on time to the contract holder (Save the Children Sweden), as and when required
Ensure regular monitoring and reporting on all program management aspects: phased budget and actual expenses analysis, work-plans progresses and updating, procurement plans revision, data collection and analysis and monitoring of indicators
Ensure compliance with donor requirements, and understanding of donor compliance across COs and partners, e.g. by translation of documents, etc.
Focus on ensuring appropriate program closure and readjustment to potentially cover any gaps
Ensure compliance with and adherence to Save the Children’s rules and regulations in all aspects
Staff management and capacity building

Matrix manage the regional staff contributing full- or part-time to the project and the country Project Managers.
Lead and motivate the Regional Project Management Unit staff, ensuring they have clear objectives and responsibilities and support countries in setting objectives for key project staff
Create and maintain a cooperative and positive working environment where staff participate in decision making and are supported in progressing towards their objectives and receive meaningful feedback on their performance regularly, in collaboration with the human resources departments of SCI and partners
Identify capacity building requirements of program staff in collaboration with the human resources departments of SCI and partners
Lead on design of capacity strengthening strategies and delivery of staff and partners through coaching, mentoring and training programs and approaches
Steer and ensure the relevant support functions staff is associated to capacity strengthening strategy development and delivery

Ensure representation of the program, building trust and influence with CSO partners, donor and other key stakeholders, highlighting where effective practise can positively influence policy
Represent the program at donor meetings in country and internationally as required and in consultation with SCI country leadership
Coordination inter and external

Develop country level agreement to ensure adequate support is provided by SC country offices staff and functions to program teams securing buy in from CO to the program and its implementation
Regularly report to SC senior staff (including SCI WCA Regional Office and implementation offices leadership) and ensure they remain committed to the program success
Clarify matrix reporting lines and collaboration modalities between country program teams,the RPMU and the relevant Regional Office support functions
Identify bottlenecks and find solutions to ensure program teams are adequately supported by the relevant staff in SCI country office
Ensure consistent coordination among all stakeholders at local and regional level
Communicate regularly across SCI Country offices to ensure strong communications internally and externally and contribute to a coordinated vision
Participate proactively and regularly when required in senior management meetings in the areas of responsibility, making concrete contributions to strategic and operational orientations

Relevant university degree (International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Child Right, Political Science, Sociology or other Social Science, International Development, etc.)


A minimum of 5 years’ of demonstrated experience in program management and administration, including grants management, donor compliance and managing complex grants.
A minimum of 2 years’ proven experience in managing regional and/or multi-country programs, demonstrating the ability to matrix manage
Knowledge of and proven experience of working in Child rights programming and Child Rights Governance
A minimum of 5 years’ proven experience of working on civil society partner capacity building and strengthening programmes in line with localization agenda and children rights promotion
Solid experience in working collaboratively through equal partnerships
A minimum of 2 years’ experience in directly managing European (preferably Swedish) funded program
Excellent written and spoken level of French and English
Proven excellent skills in program performance and quality monitoring and reporting.
Proven excellent skills in multistakeholder management, both internally and externally, with a strong ability to project strategic vision, adherence and buy-in.
Strong analytical and conceptual skills and the ability to think and plan strategically.
Ability to work with limited supervision.

Solid experience in remote management and implementation in complex and insecure environments
Strong skills in staff management, moderation, conflict resolution and capacity-building
Prior experience working in emergency response contexts or fragile states.
Solid experience in managing multisector programs
Knowledge of the localisation agenda and experience working with national partners and capacity building of these
Capacity and willingness to be extremely flexible and accommodating in difficult working circumstances.
Experience working on Nexus programming
Familiar with accountability and feedback mechanisms including for children
Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
Date advertised: 17 Feb 2023

Closing date: 6 Mar 2023 - 23:59 GMT

Location: Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Department: Programme Operations

Type: Fixed-term contract

Schedule: Full-time

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