
Recrutement de 01 RITD/ATPC – Consultant for Green Supplement Report to the National AfCFTA Implementation Strategies-Zambia

Localité : Ethiopie / Addis Ababa
Domaine : Environnement
Niveau : BAC + 5
Entreprise recruteur : Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU)

Recrutement de 01 RITD/ATPC – Consultant for Green Supplement Report to the National AfCFTA Implementation Strategies-Zambia
Niveau d'études: Bac + 5 ou plus
Expérience: 6 ans
Expire le: 15-03-2023

ONU Carrière
Addis Ababa, Ethiopie
vacance de poste

Intitulé publication: RITD/ATPC – Consultant for Green Supplement Report to the National AfCFTA Implementation Strategies-Zambia
Département / Bureau: Commission économique pour l'Afrique
Lieu d'affectation: ADDIS ABABA
Période de candidature: - 15 mars 2023
No de l’appel á candidature: 23-Economic Commission for Africa-202147-Consultant
Staffing Exercise N/A

Valeurs fondamentales de l'ONU: intégrité, professionnalisme, respect de la diversité

Result of Service
Enhanced capacity of Member States to develop regional green value chains and intra-African export opportunities, and enhanced appreciation of Member States and RECs on expected green investment opportunities under the AfCFTA.

Work Location

Expected duration
9 months

Duties and Responsibilities
The African Trade Policy Centre (ATPC), through the Regional Integration & Trade Division, is a specialized unit within the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA). Its mission is to act as the leading Africa-based Centre of excellence and a continental hub for providing and coordinating technical support for the development of trade policies in Africa. ATPC works with stakeholders at all levels to enhance the implementation of sound national, regional and international trade strategies, policies and programs. The Centre also conducts research to generate and disseminate knowledge on trade and provides policy advice, training and capacity building based on the needs identified by its partners.
The centre recently established a new work programme to analyse the important linkages between trade and the environment. Covid-19 and global geopolitical tensions have shed light on the fragility of Africa’s supply chains, highlighting the urgency to develop more robust and resilient regional value chains to face future climate change shocks. Trade can help to mitigate climate change and adapt to its adverse effects. The landmark African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) opens new opportunities for tackling climate change in Africa, and in turn delivering on the Paris Agreement and UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13 on climate action.
In this context, ATPC is hiring a consultant to draft a study on priority actions to realize green trade opportunities and climate change adaptation in Zambia, which will be published as a supplement to Zambia’s National AfCFTA Implementation Strategy.

The ‘Green Supplement’ is expected to support Zambia to realize green intra-African trade and climate adaption opportunities. Topics to be addressed in the context of the study include: options for sustainable production and value addition, sectoral climate adaptation needs, NTMs transparency and cost effectiveness, regulatory alignment, green standards, cooperation among value chain actors, advancing the role of women in value chains, and green trade opportunities arising from the AfCFTA and regional cooperation opportunities, in particular in the field of market access and NTMs.
Building on an analysis of the in-depth study on climate-resilient, green value chains in Southern Africa, and the National AfCFTA Strategy and Action Plan, the consultant will conduct desk research and analysis as appropriate, and undertake extensive consultations with value chain stakeholders (national AfCFTA committees, regulators, producers, traders, support services, etc.). Consultations will be conducted through national workshops, fields missions, interviews and surveys.
Based on the research findings, the consultant will draft the study, which is expected to contain two sections: 1) an analysis of selected value chains from a national perspective, building on and aligned with in-depth regional value chain analysis and 2) priority actions for the Government to promote green trade and climate change adaptation in priority value chains. The study will be published as a Supplement to the National AfCFTA Strategy and Action Plan.
The consultant will present the final draft of the study at a stakeholder workshop bringing together government and value chain representatives to review and validate the national strategy. The consultant is expected to work closely with ECA throughout the delivery of the assignment. In order to facilitate coordination and cooperation between the consultant and ECA, the consultant is expected to share relevant draft documents for review and comments, and incorporate feedback to the satisfaction of ECA in a timely manner.
Objective of the Assignment:
The objective of this assignment is to support the implementation of ATPC activities focused on enhancing the capacity of African Member States to identify climate-resilient, green trade opportunities in the context of the AfCFTA; and the design of a green, national AfCFTA Implementation Strategy and Action Plan.
Duties and responsibilities
The Consultant will work under the direct supervision of the ATPC trade and environment focal point and the overall guidance of the Coordinator of ATPC. In order to achieve the above-mentioned objective, the Consultant will perform the following key tasks:
• Summarize and present key takeaways from in-depth Regional Value Chain study from the perspective of Zambia, as well as entry points and alignment with- and potential gaps of National AfCFTA Strategy and Action Plan
• Develop a methodology and an outline for the preparation of the Green Supplement to the National AfCFTA Implementation Strategy and Action Plan, including a timeline for the implementation of different activities, list of relevant documents and studies to be considered, and a list of stakeholders to be interviewed and consulted;
• Deliver a first draft of the study, and subsequently incorporate feedback and comments to the satisfaction of ECA in a second draft.
• Share the final, revised, draft study prior to the validation event
• Present the study and relevant research and methodology at the validation event;
• Address any final comments which may be formulated at the validation event, and submit the revised, final study.
• Submit a final overview of activities undertaken in the context of this assignment, including a list of all interviewees and consultations held, and an overview of materials and studies consulted;
• Respond to ad-hoc requests in relation to the project, as needed.

Outputs/work assignment
• First Draft of Green Supplement to National AfCFTA Strategy and Action Plan with priority actions for Zambia, to realize regional green value chain opportunities in Southern Africa, with focus on two priority value chains, selected by the country;
• Revised Draft of Green Supplement to National AfCFTA Strategy and Action Plan of Zambia, to realize regional green value chain opportunities in Southern Africa, with focus on two priority value chains selected by the country;
• Presentation of the study’s findings at validation event;
• Final Green Supplement to National AfCFTA Strategy and Action Plan of Zambia, to realize regional green value chain opportunities in Southern Africa, with focus on the two priority value chains, selected by the country;
• Final overview of activities undertaken in the context of this assignment, including a list of interviewees, and materials and studies consulted;
• Other ad hoc tasks in relation to the project.

Qualifications/special skills
Master's degree in economics, international trade, environmental policy, environmental management, environmental sciences, or a related field is required.
A minimum of six (6) years of professional experience working on international trade and economic policy, or related area, is required. Prior experience working on trade policy and the environment, the green economy, and green value chain development is highly desirable. Experience working on the African Continent, particularly in the project country, is highly desirable.

English and French are the working languages of the United Nations. For the position advertised, fluency in English is required.

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