
Recrutement de 01 Technical Advisor – Software developer and requirements engineer

Localité : Niger / Niamey
Domaine : Informatique
Niveau : BAC + 5
Entreprise recruteur : Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU)

Recrutement de 01 Technical Advisor – Software developer and requirements engineer
Niveau d'études: Bac + 5 ou plus
Expérience: 5 ans
Expire le: 11-08-2022

ONU Carrière
Niamey, Niger
vacance de poste

Intitulé publication : Technical Advisor – Software developer and requirements engineer
Département / Bureau : Office des Nations Unies à Nairobi
Lieu d'affectation : NIAMEY
Période de candidature : - 11 août 2022
No de l’appel á candidature : 22-United Nations Office at Nairobi-187655-Consultant
Staffing Exercise N/A
Valeurs fondamentales de l'ONU : intégrité, professionnalisme, respect de la diversité

Result of Service
1. Work-plan.
2. An online programmatic dashboard tracking the implementation of thematic priorities in Niger.
3. An online virtual platform with level of access providing a broad range of raw data allowing for multi-sectorial analysis with monitored level access.
4. Online infrastructure to support virtual library with advance search function for all Niger related development, humanitarian and peacebuilding work in support to knowledge management.
5. A online FTS for the UNSDCF including financial tracking for the pooled fund.
6. A calendar tool to support the programming and organizing coordination events for UN Agencies and partners, including filing functionality for agenda, minutes of the meetings, attendance sheet and email list management.

Work Location
Home Based

Expected duration
4 months

Duties and Responsibilities
Organizational Setting and Reporting

Located in the middle of the Sahel and bordering unstable Mali, Libya, and Boko Haram-affected areas of Nigeria, Niger is under severe political, security, social and environmental stress. The Government of Niger is responding to these challenges through its Plan of Economic and Social Development 2022-2026 (in French: PDES). It is supported in this endeavour by the United Nations, represented in Niger by 13 resident and 9 non-resident entities. The priorities of the UN system in Niger are now captured in the United Nations Sustainable Development Framework (UNSDF) 2023-2027, itself fully aligned with the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The responsibility for the coordination of these agencies and entities rests with the Resident Coordinator in Niger and her office (RCO).

The mandate of the RCO has been strengthened by UN General Assembly resolution 72/279 of 31 May 2018, which provides the RCO with dedicated and standard capacities to complement the expertise and strengths of all UN entities. At senior level, the RC chairs the monthly meeting of the representatives of UN agencies in Niger, the UN Country Team. Underneath, a comprehensive architecture of teams and working groups bring together agencies around specific results groups, key area of interest or operational concerns. In most cases, these groups are facilitated by UN agencies themselves through two co-leads, but in the case of the Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group, the RCO ensures co-leadership. This group is responsible for verifying whether the UN system in Niger is on track to achieve the outcomes and targets of its common agenda, the UNSDF. It coordinates joint field visits to observe the progress of projects and activities, and reports on progress on the implementation of the UN SDGs in the global UN-INFO database.

Individual UN agencies have their own data collection systems to monitor progress towards implementation of their thematic country programme documents. In addition, the UN Office of the Coordinator of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) maintains sophisticated platforms to monitor the humanitarian situation. These display humanitarian data obtained from a variety sources, and feature a financial tracking system and an updated calendar of events.

In fulfilment of its mandate, the RCO in Niger endeavours to develop a bespoke information management system inspired by the platforms maintained by OCHA but extending its scope to peacebuilding and development priorities. This will serve primarily the United Nations system in Niger, but will also be of use to the Government of Niger, financial and technical partners, as well as researchers wishing to access data on Niger.

This information management system will support three functions:

1. Programming: a web interface serving as an institutional bridge between the different UN agencies and UNINFO while being specific to the Niger cooperation framework contextualized to the new United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), providing desegregated date for theme and region, with interactive dashboards and maps, and advanced data search functions.
2. Financial Tracking System (FTS): the web interface will enable real-time tracking of funding allocated to UNSDCF thematic priorities, regions, donors and beneficiary agencies. It will also provide information on the Pooled Fund allocations (i.e. PBF, Climate Change, Girls Education and Climat Action)
3. Support to coordination of all key stakeholders: the interface will facilitate contact management (of relevant focus points in UN and non-UN agencies in Niger), include a calendar of events, filing systems and email list management and host a virtual library with advanced text search functions.

This knowledge management platform shall comply with high standards of data protection and security, managing different levels of permissions. It must optimise interoperability with existing databases and data management systems of UN agencies in Niger, as well as UN-INFO globally. As new needs and opportunities will likely arise in the future, the platform must also provide enough flexibility to add new functionalities.

The Resident Coordinator’s Office in Niger has a team in place, with content leads responsible for collecting and analysing programmatic data and financial information, as well as for knowledge management. It has developed an internal knowledge management system to ensure qualitative reports are catalogued. The RCO also includes a web/IT specialist with coding capabilities to ensure the maintenance of the system.

Under the supervision of the Team Leader of the RCO, the technical advisor will be responsible for developing a bespoke software and online platform to serve as information management platform. In particular, s/he will:

1. Ensure requirements engineering and documentation of technical specifications of the system, defining and/or validating the required software functions with relevant stakeholders of the project, with due concern for data protection and security, interoperability and versatility. In particular, the platform needs to host the following functionalities:
¿ Data management system and interactive data search
¿ Integrated library system
¿ Financial tracking system
¿ Contact and event management system

2. Development of the platform and the integration of the required functionalities (agile development methodology), involving as much as possible the RCO’s technical team but also implementing tasks directly as appropriate. This includes all steps, administrative or otherwise, required for:
¿ Prototyping and testing the platform
¿ Designing the platform (including graphic charter)
¿ Deploying the platform

3. Contribute to development of the RCO team’s capacity:
¿ On the development and technical side (web/IT specialist)
¿ In the maintenance of the platform and the chosen solutions (content leads in RCO and other UN agencies)
¿ Training and user guide development
¿ And in the standardization of processes, as well as the creation of SOPs.

Qualifications/special skills
Academic Qualifications: ¿ Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) preferably in computer science, software engineering, or related areas is required.
¿ A first-level university degree with two additional years of relevant experience is accepted in lieu of the Master's degree.
Experience: Required:
¿ Minimum Five (5) years of experience building and designing software applications and websites, UX/UI.
¿ Experience managing a project of similar complexity.
¿ Experience with HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP language and Wordpress.

¿ Experience using a Linux distribution will be considered a desirable.
¿ A portfolio with similar projects would considered a desirable.
¿ Understanding of international development and the work of the United Nations is a desirable.
¿ Experience at the international level is an asset.
Language: ¿ Fluency in Oral and written English French is required.

Aucun frais de dossier

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29-11-2024 à 03:18:07 par Abdoulaye OUEDRAOGO


Plusieurs structures nous font confiance !