
Recrutement de 01 Directeur de l'appui à la mission

Localité : Somalie / Mogadiscio
Domaine : Gestion d'entreprise
Niveau : BAC + 5
Entreprise recruteur : Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU)

Recrutement de 01 Directeur de l'appui à la mission
Niveau d'études: Bac + 5 ou plus
Expérience: Non précisé
Expire le: 02-03-2023

ONU Carrière
Mogadishu, Somalie
vacance de poste

Intitulé publication: Directeur de l'appui à la mission, D2
Intitulé code d’emploi: Directeur de l’appui à la mission
Département / Bureau: Bureau d'appui des Nations Unies en Somalie
Lieu d'affectation: MOGADISHU
Période de candidature: - 02 mars 2023
No de l’appel á candidature: 23-Administration-UNSOS-200990-D-Mogadishu (M)
Staffing Exercise N/A

Valeurs fondamentales de l'ONU: intégrité, professionnalisme, respect de la diversité

Cadre organisationnel
The position of the Director is located in the United Nations Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS) and is based in Mogadishu. The Director reports to the Assistant-Secretary-General & Head of UNSOS as her/his First Reporting Officer. The Director also functions as the Director of Mission Support for the United Nation Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), which is headed by the Special Representative of the Secretary- General Somalia (SRSG) for Somalia, and is the UNSOS Director’s Second Reporting Officer.

Within delegated authority, the Director will be responsible for the following functions:

• Acts as the principal adviser to the Head of UNSOS and the SRSG on all matters pertaining to the administrative and technical operational support activities of the Mission, and accountable to the Head of UNSOS for the effective general management of the human, financial and physical resources allocated to the mission.

• Contributes to the implementation of the Mission's mandate by ensuring the efficient provision of managerial, logistical and administrative support required for the fulfilment of the mandate of both entities (UNSOM & UNSOS), principally in support of AU military forces (AMISOM), Somalia Security Forces, as well as the good offices functions of UNSOM, in areas such as budget, finance, human resources management, procurement, logistics, communications, transport, air operations, etc.

• As a member of the Mission Senior Management Team, participates in the mission planning process throughout the mission lifecycle, with particular attention to support areas, and contributes to an integrated approach and consistency in the implementation of the mandate.

• Ensures that the mission budget, staff, and assets are optimally allocated to support of mandate implementation across all mission components and guides any reprioritization of resources during the budget period in line with priorities that support effective mandate implementation. Undertakes or oversees reporting methodology for budget and performance in accordance with results-based budgeting guidelines.

• Initiates the development and implementation of the mission support work plan and ensures coordination and monitoring of overall strategies and programmes for the support activities of the mission and takes the lead in securing the required human and financial resources for the mission.

• Develops and implements a service optimization programme to promote continuous improvement in the quality and delivery of services to mission clients. This will include the establishment of relevant strategic mission performance indicators which provide data and analysis for the review of legislative bodies. Ensures that all processes and systems in place are relevant and cost effective.

• Ensures, through collaboration with all stakeholders, a commitment to supply chain management and integrated/shared service delivery that is client-oriented, responsive and allows for efficiencies wherever possible.

• Maintains active communication with UN headquarters and the global/regional service centres supporting the mission.

• Actively engages with police and military components within the mission to ensure coordinated, high quality support in accordance with their operational requirements.

• Establishes a set of robust policies, procedures, practices, standards and tools that are consistent with UN regulations, rules, policies and practice in order to ensure proper budget, accounting, procurement, financial, assets and human resources management and control and certifies mission expenditures.

• Liaises, negotiates and coordinates with national authorities with respect to administrative and logistical matters.

• Provides guidance, support and supervision to senior administrative and logistics support staff as well as audit and evaluation services, as appropriate.

• Actively engages in management performance duties and ensures the provision of management, guidance, development, training, constructive feedback and performance evaluation and appraisal, and administrative support and other management functions to staff in the areas of his/her responsibility.

• Maintains good order and discipline of staff under his/her overall supervision.

• Develops initiatives to promote the welfare and wellbeing of mission staff.

• Represents the mission before legislative bodies, providing information and clarification in support of budget proposals.

• Represents the mission support component at meetings, protocol and ceremonial occasions,
military parades, etc.

• Performs related duties as may be required by SRSG Somalia and Head of UNSOS e.g., provides briefings to visiting senior officials on mission, administrative and technical support activities, etc.

• Performs other related duties as required.

• Professionalism: Demonstrates professional competence and mastery of principles, techniques and practices related to specialized advice in a broad range of human resources, financial, logistical, procurement and administrative areas to Head of Office/Mission, to Headquarters and to senior mission staff; ability to ensure adequate preparation of reports or rationale with respect to key logistics and administrative decisions; strong negotiation and conflict-resolution skills. Demonstrated outstanding verbal and written communication skills and proven problem-solving skills including innovation, flexibility and creativity are required. Demonstrated leadership skills including the ability to build productive teams and motivate individuals at all levels of an organization in the pursuit of common objectives is required. Proven track record of personal effectiveness in complex environments and demonstrated ability to build relationships with multiple stakeholders. Shows pride in work and in achievements. Demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter. Is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results. Is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns. Shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges. Remains calm in stressful situations. Takes responsibility for incorporating gender perspectives and ensuring the equal participation of women and men in all areas of work.

• Communication: Speaks and writes clearly and effectively; Listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately; Asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication; Tailors language, tone, style and format to match audience; Demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed.

• Leadership: Serves as a role model that other people want to follow. Empowers others to translate vision into results. Is proactive in developing strategies to accomplish objectives. Establishes and maintains relationships with a broad range of people to understand needs and gain support. Anticipates and resolves conflicts by pursuing mutually agreeable solutions. Drives for change and improvement; does not accept the status quo. Shows the courage to take unpopular stands.

• Judgement/Decision-making: Identifies the key issues in a complex situation and comes to the heart of the problem quickly. Gathers relevant information before making a decision. Considers positive and negative impacts of decisions prior to making them. Takes decisions with an eye to the impact on others and on the Organization. Proposes a course of action or makes a recommendation based on all available information. Checks assumptions against facts. Determines that the actions proposed will satisfy the expressed and underlying needs for the decision. Makes tough decisions when necessary.

• Managing performance: Delegates the appropriate responsibility, accountability and decision-making authority. Makes sure that roles, responsibilities and reporting lines are clear to each staff member. Accurately judges the amount of time and resources needed to accomplish a task and matches task to skills. Monitors progress against milestones and deadlines. Regularly discusses performance and provides feedback and coaching to staff. Encourages risk-taking and supports creativity and initiative. Actively supports the development and career aspirations of staff. Appraises performance fairly.

Advanced university degree (Masters or equivalent) in business or public administration, logistics, human resources management, finance, accounting, or related area is required. A first-level university degree in combination with two additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.

Expérience professionnelle
A minimum of fifteen (15) years of experience in the areas of administration, finance, logistics, information technology, communication or related fields is required.

A minimum of eight (8) years management experience with responsibilities in human, procurement and financial resources management is required.

Experience ensuring compliance with support-related regulations in a decentralized operational environment is required.

Experience leading change management or complex innovation initiatives and experience leading support to field operations with police, military or security forces are required.

Experience leading support to field operations with police, military or security forces is required.

Experience supporting complex and multidimensional field operations in conflict and post conflict environments is desirable.

Experience leading support to entities external to the UN is desirable

Connaissances linguistiques
English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For the position advertised, fluency in English (both oral and written) is required.

Méthode d'évaluation
Evaluation of qualified candidates may include an assessment exercise which may be followed by competency-based interview.

Notice spéciale
The United Nations Secretariat is committed to achieving 50/50 gender balance and geographical diversity in its staff. Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for this position.

Charte des Nations Unies
Aux termes du paragraphe 3 de l’Article 101 de la Charte des Nations Unies, la considération dominante dans le recrutement du personnel doit être la nécessité d’assurer à l’Organisation les services de personnes possédant les plus hautes qualités de travail, de compétence et d’intégrité. Ne seront pas retenues les candidatures des personnes qui ont commis des violations du droit international des droits de l’homme, des violations du droit international humanitaire, des actes d’exploitation, d’atteintes ou de harcèlement sexuels, ou au sujet desquelles il existe des raisons plausibles de croire qu’elles ont été impliquées dans la commission de tels actes. L’expression « exploitation sexuelle » désigne le fait d’abuser ou de tenter d’abuser d’un état de vulnérabilité, d’un rapport de force inégal ou de rapports de confiance à des fins sexuelles, y compris mais non exclusivement en vue d’en tirer un avantage pécuniaire, social ou politique. On entend par « atteinte sexuelle » toute atteinte physique de nature sexuelle commise par la force, sous la contrainte ou à la faveur d’un rapport inégal, ou la menace d’une telle atteinte. Le harcèlement sexuel s'entend de tout comportement déplacé à connotation sexuelle raisonnablement propre ou de nature à choquer ou humilier, lorsqu'il entrave la bonne marche du service, est présenté comme une condition d'emploi ou crée au lieu de travail un climat d'intimidation, d'hostilité ou de vexation, et lorsque ce comportement est assez grave pour justifier le licenciement de son auteur. La candidature de personnes qui ont commis des infractions autres que des infractions mineures au code de la route ne sera pas retenue.

Sera dûment prise en considération l'importance d'un recrutement effectué sur une base géographique aussi large que possible. Aucune restriction ne sera imposée par l'Organisation à l'accès des hommes et des femmes, dans des conditions égales, à toutes les fonctions, dans ses organes principaux et subsidiaires. Le Secrétariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies est un espace non-fumeurs.

La considération dominante dans l’engagement, la mutation ou la promotion du personnel est la nécessité de s’assurer les services de personnes possédant les plus hautes qualités de travail, de compétence et d’intégrité. En acceptant une offre d’engagement, les membres du personnel sont soumis(es) à l’autorité du Secrétaire général, qui peut leur assigner l’une quelconque des tâches ou l’un quelconque des postes de l’Organisation des Nations Unies, conformément à l’alinéa c) de l’article 1.2 du Statut du personnel. Dans ce contexte, tous les membres du personnel recrutés sur le plan international sont tenus de changer de fonctions périodiquement à l’intérieur d’un même lieu d’affectation ou dans un autre lieu d’affectation, dans les conditions fixées par le Secrétaire général.

Les candidats sont invités à respecter scrupuleusement toutes les instructions disponibles sur la plateforme de recrutement en ligne Inspira. Pour des informations plus détaillées, ils ou elles peuvent consulter le manuel d'instructions pour le candidat, en cliquant sur le lien hypertexte « Manuels » sur le côté supérieur droit de la page d'accueil de leur compte Inspira.

Les candidatures feront l'objet d'une évaluation et d'un examen préalables sur la base des informations soumises conformément aux critères d'évaluation de l'avis de vacance de poste et aux dispositions législatives internes applicables de l'Organisation des Nations Unies, notamment la Charte des Nations Unies, les résolutions de l'Assemblée générale, le Statut et le Règlement du personnel, les textes administratives et les directives. Les candidats doivent fournir des informations exhaustives et précises conformément aux instructions fournies sur la plateforme Inspira. Une fois la candidature envoyée, aucune modification, suppression ou révision, ni aucun ajout ou changement ne pourra être fait. Il sera procédé à une vérification des références des candidats faisant l'objet d'une attention particulière pour s'assurer de l'exactitude des renseignements qu’ils ont fournis dans leur candidature.

Les avis de vacance de postes publiés sur le Portail des carrières sont retirés à 11:59 p.m. (heure de New York), le jour de la date limite de dépôt des candidatures.

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Plusieurs structures nous font confiance !